Monday, January 24, 2011

I want to be tracted!

I looked up and was shocked to realize where I was. I had passed the exit I was headed a few miles! Shaking my head I focused on where I was and my inner GPS began its own recalculating chant. Quickly I exited the highway and began to wind my way back to where I was headed. The one place I had to go this morning.

10 minutes of backtracking later I was back on track and focusing.

I thought.

Back at home and settled in I ran out into the garage to grab a soda. A little caffeine to fuel my morning push to check off lots of "to dos". Half way back through the kitchen I realized I had a rawhide in my hand instead of a soda. Hmmm...try that again. Half way back through the kitchen a second time - look down - yep, another rawhide. Thankfully the third trip was successful and I'm not curled up on the dog bed trying to chew their bones.

A quick email written. Went to press send and realized I didn't know how it was supposed to be to.


In hopes of finding a verse to meditate on or something to center my obviously distracted heart I went to a and typed in distracted. You know what I found?

But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” Luke 10:40

The only verse that comes up with distracted, distract or distraction in it is about a woman so wound up in her own to do list that she has missed Jesus -- who happened to be sitting in her own living room.



To do list - put away.
Agenda - not even written for the day.
Praise music - turned on and turned up (thank you Pandora!).
Blog - well, nearly written...cuz I had to tell somebody about that word, that verse, that moment of seriously?
On tap for this afternoon? Well, Bible study, homeschooling with the peanuts and whatever God puts in front of me. (oh and just the smallest load of laundry so hubby doesn't go naked to work tomorrow)

My point. I think the world has overloaded my circuits today. And maybe for a lot longer. In prayer this morning I asked God to "change me" -- make me the woman He wants me to be. I won't become that woman fueling up to check off my own to do list and so distracted by what I think is important.

I don't want to be so distracted that I become unproductive. I want to be so tracted (is that the opposite of dis-tracted?) that I'm filled up with my Jesus.

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